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Easter Heart Opening Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Easter Heart Opening Workshop

Synchronising with the theme of death and rebirth, this workshop will focus all energies in being in the heart space. To be human means living in the heart.

Backbends are the quickest way to fix imbalances or strong pains in the back. Practising Backbends increase overall health, longevity and mobility of the spine.

The specific movement and positioning of the spine creates necessary space, boosts confidence, improves postural defects, encourages natural breathing and can cure depression.

Opening across the front body and chest area can be invigorating, thrilling, and sometimes scary. The workshop space will ensure that the correct preparation is executed so that practitioners feel ready, held and totally supported.

Hatha Yoga principles will be explored in detail using both active and passive Backbends. Some postures will incorporate the use of props so poses can be held, with correct alignment, for longer periods of time and all benefits experienced.

Expect to bend and extend while also challenging old fears that may surface. Come and learn to soften into your boundaries and leave feeling totally alive!

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